Oct 5, 2008

Porfolio 3:A summary for Listening to the Language and the Voices of Terrorists
After the “nine-eleven” event, on September 14, Present Bush gave a speech to the rescue workers on the ruins and ashes who were shouting “USA, USA, USA”, telling them that their voice will be heard by people from all over the world including those terrorists who plotted this attack. President expressed his anger and this speech was regarded as a warning on terrorism.
Soon after that, US declared war on Afghanistan in the name of eliminating terrorist. This was thought by the author Noa Zanolli as acts of violence. She raise a very distinctive opinion that incessant exchanges of acts of violence on either side. By convention, we never think about what the terrorism is telling us. We just think that terrorist hate us and we only communicate with each other through mutual mass murder. The author gives us a question: why we do not think it from another perspective and listen to the voice of terrorism?
The author stresses that listening to the voice of terrorism never mean harm our citizens. She raises several assumptions and asks why not we think in that way and point out that if we and terrorist can understand each other, the situation may become better and there may not be any violence on either side. Understanding is the most important factor for both sides and we need mediators to translate the language of terrorism and vice versa translate the Western responses.
At last, the author mentions the two US presidential candidates. According to her opinion, compared with Senator McCain’s policy, Senator Obama’s is much suitable which offers hope and a chance to silencing terrorism by listening and by dealing with it with a lot more understanding of its complexity and in a more effective manner.
The following link to find the the original article: http://www.mediate.com/articles/zanolliN2.cfm#bio


weijie said...

Terrorism is a global issue. After the 911, more and more countries focus on the terrorist and terrorism inside their own countries. We need to know the root of the terrorism and try our best to solve the root problems. You article gives another perspective to see from the terrorism of the world.

Chien Wuan Lee said...

It is an inetersting articles about terrorism. "Nine-eleven" event really gives different people various perspective of terrorism

TONG YU said...

i used to believe that terroism has nothing to do with our enginners. however terrorism is such an urgent problem which will destroy the peace of the world that we nneed to try our best to fight with it!